Monday, August 16, 2010

Cant save microsoft word to floppy disk?

i save microsoft word to a floopy disk. when i click on it i get either A ERROR OR A BLANK MICROSOFT PAGE?!?

Cant save microsoft word to floppy disk?antivirus download

Is the floppy formatted and not write protected? If youu know it is good and you can write other programs to it, then should be able to save word. Depending on how things are set up, just by clicking on the file it may not give expected results. Close word and reopen. Go to File Open and select A drive and the program. Should be there if everything is working.

Cant save microsoft word to floppy disk?bmw

The computer on which you created the word document - is it the same one as the one you are now putting the floppy into? Either the one you're trying to use now doesn't have word or does but doesn't have the same version as the one the document was made on.
Maybe the FD is corrupted, try a new FP.
floppy disk isnt working or maybe u saved a blank page on it.
get a memory card there about 10 bucks for a 1gb at walgreens
Go into My Computer and put your floppy into the drive:a, and check that it's not write protect and do a full format first and then try again.Also check you aren't trying to put to much information to disc.Also floppies are re-known to have problems,good luck.

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